Tech News

제목Go 개발팀, Apple Silicon을 공식으로 지원하는 Go 1.16 베타 1 공개2020-12-25 21:40
작성자 Level 10 

Apple Silicon (GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64)을 최초로 지원하는 Go 1.16 베타 1이 공식적으로 공개되었습니다.

Hello gophers,

We have just released go1.16beta1, a beta version of Go 1.16.
It is cut from the master branch at the revision tagged go1.16beta1.

Please try your production load tests and unit tests with the new version.
Your help testing these pre-release versions is invaluable.

Report any problems using the issue tracker:

If you have Go installed already, the easiest way to try go1.16beta1
is by using the go command:
$ go get
$ go1.16beta1 download

You can download binary and source distributions from the usual place:

To find out what has changed in Go 1.16, read the draft release notes:

The Go Team 

(자동등록방지 숫자를 입력해 주세요)