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제목Windows 11 WSL2 Ubuntu 성능 벤치마크 - 베어메탈에 설치된 Ubuntu와 견줄만한 성능2021-10-06 08:48
작성자 Level 10  

최신 인사이더 버전의 Windows 11 의 WSL2에 설치된 Ubuntu와, 베어메탈에 설치된 Ubuntu 를 벤치마크 테스트하여 성능을 비교한 글 입니다. 물론 베어메탈에 설치된 것이 성능이 더 좋습니다만, WSL2가 나름 베어메탈에 설치된 Ubuntu 성능에 견줄만한 성능을 보여주는군요.

같은 CPU로 테스트 되었지만 세부 하드웨어 구성이나 소프트웨어 구성 차이가 좀 있어 감안하고 보면 좋을 것 같네요.

Recently I carried out some updated Windows 11 benchmarks against Linux to look at how this forthcoming Microsoft operating system release is competing with Ubuntu. In this article is a fresh look at the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) performance on the near-final Windows 11 against Ubuntu Linux.

Once Windows 11 officially ships in October we will be around with more benchmarks of this latest Microsoft Windows operating system release against various Linux distributions. In today's article is just the latest take on the Windows 11 WSL2 performance compared to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as the current long-term stable release and the default WSL2 environment plus that of bare metal Ubuntu 21.10 for seeing how the latest Ubuntu Linux performance is looking ahead of its release next month.

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